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High Ability & Enrichment

High Ability Program Mission Statement

North Adams Community Schools recognizes that some students need differentiated curriculum and instruction to meet their academic potential. NACS will provide an optimal learning environment that nurtures those qualities unique to the high ability individual student and all schools will provide appropriately challenging educational experiences to support High Ability students in the development of their learning potential.

High Ability Program Eligibility

Gifted children are those with outstanding talent who perform or show the potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. These children exhibit high performance capability in intellectual development or in specific Academic Aptitude and require differentiated learning experiences to meet their unique learning needs. Student performance is evaluated by NWEA skill reports, an online aptitude test (CogAt), and teacher referral upon moving into North Adams Community Schools. All kindergarten students will be administered the CogAt test, unless otherwise noted in an IEP. Upon completion of these assessments, students are identified and parents will be notified of placement.

Gift Ability Resource Links