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Special Education


North Adams Community Schools offers special education services to promote student growth academically and socially. With specially trained staff at all schools focusing on specific student needs, our teams collaborate with parents, general education teachers, and community agencies to provide the most comprehensive approach to help students achieve their goals. If you feel your child needs additional support beyond general education classes, please contact their building principal to discuss next steps.

Special Education Resource Links

Adams Wells Special Services Cooperative

Adams Wells Special Services Cooperative has established a wide array of resources for parents of students receiving special education services. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the agencies and service providers that may offer services to support your child and family.

A Companion Guide to Article 7

Navigating the Course: Finding your way through Indiana's Special Education Rules

Article 7 Special Education Laws, Rules and Interpretations

511 IAC Article 7 - commonly referred to as simply "Article 7" -- contains Indiana's Special Education rules. The most recent version, updated in December 2019, is available in Spanish and English.