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Hero Meals Application

Hero Meals

Hero Meals is a community-based organization that provides free and nutritious meals to elementary school children in the North Adams Community Schools District. Meals include primarily non-perishable food items which can easily be prepared to meet a family's needs through the weekends and holidays. Any student who is eligible for the Free & Reduced Meals program at North Adams qualifies to participate in Hero Meals. 

To enroll your family, please complete the form below. A parent or guardian must sign the form and it can be returned with your child to school. There is no charge to participate or for meal packages. 

Hero Meals are available each Friday (or the last day of the school week in case of a holiday). Participating students will pick up their Hero bags Friday afternoon and carry them home. 

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, contact Christina McKay, school counselor at Bellmont Elementary School, at 260-724-3137.


First page of the PDF file: HeroMealsApplication
Hero Meals Application